Her story Her voice : Live Streaming Services on Social Media - 3rd March, 2023

3rd March, 2023 / Technology

Her story Her voice panel discussion by Netflix

Netflix, along with The National Commission of Women, insightful conversation about The Role of Media and Entertainment in Empowering Women and ‘Her Story, Her Voice- A Conversation with Women in Media and Entertainment. The panel discussions, took place on 3rd March, 2023 (Friday) was hosted by some of the most popular and influential voices in the entertainment industry- Swati Chopra and Sucharita Tyagi, where they stir an insightful discussion with voices such as Huma Qureshī- Actor and Producer, Uday Singh- Managing Director Motion Pictures Association, Himanshu Rai- Director of IIM Indore, Rashika Duggal- Actor, Tanya Bami- Series Head Netflix India, Prajakta Kohli- Actor and YouTuber, Jasmeet K. Reen- Director and many other influential voices.

Yash Infosystems Provided

Live streaming services on Social Media

Her story Her voice panel discussion conducted by Netflix along with The National Commission of Women, at Bal Gandhav Rang Mandir, Bandra west, Mumbai. Netflix reached Yash for Live streaming of the event in the social media Youtube, Facebook & Twitter. Yash team reached the venue, installed the  4 HD video camera along with the complete video console setup, video mixing & streaming machine using the required cables. Event was live streamed with high quality and client was delighted for our team’s effort and professionalism.